JVC Launches Internet Advertising Monitoring Program
February 09, 14Focusing on banner advertising commonly seen on websites, the program allows JVC staff to review a broad range of content from national and local online advertisements. JVC will review the advertisements to evaluate their compliance with the laws that apply to the advertising of jewelry.
Responding to a request from the JVC through an online membership survey conducted in 2013, JVC’s board recommended the addition of the new program to JVC’s already-comprehensive suite of services to the industry.
JVC researched the most effective way to review the advertising, and employs a software program which gathers jewelry advertisements from the Internet and presents them for review for compliance with federal laws such as the Federal Trade Commission’s Guides. JVC staff will evaluate the advertising and then work with the individual jewelers to correct advertising that is in violation.
“JVC is pleased to provide this service to the jewelry industry, which benefits the industry as a whole. Correcting advertising that runs counter to legal standards will ensure a level playing field, and will improve the industry’s image on the Internet,” said Cecilia L. Gardner, President & CEO.
“This program benefits the entire industry - joining the JVC as a member will support important and comprehensive programs such as this.”