The IDEX Online RSS Feeds

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a format for content distribution. IDEX Online offers a number of RSS feeds. Using an RSS reader, online service, or your browser, you can subscribe for free to any of IDEX Onlineā€™s channels or track a specific subject.

Subscribe to the IDEX Online RSS Channels:


Subscribe to the IDEX Online subjects:

Mining & Exploration
Retail & Fashion
Rough Market
Polished Market
Trading & Finance
Jewelry Wholesale
Consumer News

What Are RSS Feeds?

Feeds are a way for a web site to distribute its content by specific areas of interest. They are subscriptions to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, by email directly to your computer or even mobile devices.

Why is This Good?

RSS feeds help you get regular updates and keep track of the topics you are most interested in, and which affect you and your business, without having to remember to check the site manually. You can now streamline your online experience by subscribing to specific content feeds and aggregating this information in one place to be read when you're ready.

How To Subscribe

An RSS reader is needed in order to subscribe to the feeds. Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3 and later users - click on a link above corresponding to a topic of interest to subscribe and follow instructions.

Other ways to get the feeds include Google Reader, or these programs