Sarine To Showcase Real View Addition To Sarine Loupe
September 14, 14In particular, Sarine will be showcasing the addition to the Sarine Loupe of the new diamond Real View, to provide the perfect online trade imaging solution. Real View adds a clear, realistic perception of how the diamond looks, to the Sarine Loupe's existing abilities to view the polished diamond's Cut and Clarity characteristics with unmatched accuracy and quality, so as to truly enable the buyer to make an informed buying decision.
The enhanced Sarine Loupe is based on two complementary layers of imaging. The first provides a dazzlingly authentic presentation of the diamond's appearance, and the second shows the minutest details of the diamond's workmanship and internal characteristics.
Sarine's patented technology provides a spectacular and authentic viewing experience, effectively creating a virtual three-dimensional diamond that no other imaging device can match, with optional magnification capabilities to almost microscopic levels.
Sarine's unique diamond imaging solution provides the means to effectively improve efficiency in the diamond trade by empowering true online trade. Accessible anywhere worldwide, the almost instantaneous viewer, realized using the latest cloud technologies, allows buyers to realistically browse through large quantities of stones faster than ever, shortening the sales cycle significantly and creating a competitive advantage for both sellers and buyers with new levels of efficiency.
Uzi Levami, Sarine's CEO, commented, "We are confident that the newly enhanced Sarine Loupe will enable online assessment of polished diamonds with altogether new and outstanding means, enabling buyers to ascertain both the beauty and quality of the offered polished diamonds with accurate and objective information. Diamond sellers will have at their disposal an excellent system by which to accurately showcase their polished diamonds to potential buyers, creating a virtual online storefront concurrently accessible by buyers worldwide.
“The inefficiencies that are currently part and parcel of the trading process will be rendered inconsequential, as we can now offer the industry the means by which to take trading into the 21st century, both for the B2B and the B2C markets."